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How Long Should Your Mattress Last?

One of the biggest fears for mattress shoppers is that, after months of research, pricing and comparing, their mattress only lasts a few years. Buying a mattress is one of the largest investments you can make for your overall health and well being. A high quality mattress that is durable makes the most sense for you to buy. This essentially comes down to the quality of the manufacturing and materials used to make your mattress.

Quality Manufacturing

Quality manufacturing may seem like a given when you’re investing so much in a new mattress, but it's an important part of your due diligence research when buying a mattress. 

For example, some manufacturers fill their mattresses with a variety of poor quality and unnecessary layers, to make their mattresses appear thicker or more plush. Not only are these layers unhealthy, but they do not hold up well and they affect the lifespan of the mattress. Also, some mattress companies claim to manufacture all of their own mattresses, but they really do not - they are simply middlemen.

Buying a mattress that is manufactured in the United States is a great start. Research the manufacturer and check out all certifications as well - it will help you to find a good quality mattress. 

Latex For Less understands that providing a good quality, all-natural latex mattress at an affordable price, is important, which is why all of our mattresses are hand crafted in the United States and sold directly to you, with no additional fees, markups, sales commissions by middlemen. 

Quality Materials

Every single mattress is unique and some mattresses last longer than others, even though advertising and competitive marketing gimmicks may make you believe otherwise.

The quality of the materials in your mattress plays an important role in how long your mattress lasts, in conjunction with your  mattress care and maintenance. Make sure your mattress company is transparent about their materials, supply chain and certifications. 

So how long do mattresses last? Traditional spring mattresses typically need to be replaced every 5-7 years. Traditional memory foam mattresses typically last 7 to 10 years as well. And 100% natural latex mattresses are known to be considerably more durable, and can last up to 25 years without losing their support.

100% natural latex is known to be very resilient and durable compared to other mattress materials. Essentially, natural latex mattresses are made from rubber sap whipped into foam. The rubber properties allow it to contour to your shape and offer pressure relief. 100% natural latex also springs back immediately, after pressure is withdrawn. This is essential when thinking about long term durability. Night after night, your mattress supports different amounts of pressure, and latex has the unique ability to support this without losing its structural strength, form and flexibility. This is why 100% natural latex mattresses last up to 25 years, without losing their integrity, or developing indentations like other mattresses do.

Most memory foam mattresses are also know to retain your body heat and sleep hot. Cooling technologies, mattress protectors, and specially designed covers are all intended to counteract the heat retention and sweat caused by sleeping on memory foam. However, memory foam is still an absorbent material so it will continue to retain your body heat and absorb your sweat and it will continue to collect dust mites and dander. Memory foam mattresses are also not resilient and long lasting like 100% natural latex mattresses. They tend to dip, deteriorate and have other issues long before 10 years of ownership. You want to make a purchase knowing that your mattress will continue to perform for you, year after year.

Sleep Your Way, Year After Year

We know that manufacturing and materials play the largest roles in the overall quality, durability, and cost of your mattress. Another detail to consider is your sleeping habits and needs.

All mattresses buyers can agree that they’re looking for comfortable sleep, but could that mean something different for each person? If you are searching for a mattress based on criteria like materials, quality, and durability, a 100% natural latex mattress might be a great option to consider.

Natural latex mattresses, such as Latex For Less, use a linear supply chain to ensure you can afford a high-quality, 100% natural latex mattress. Because of this, you don’t have to sacrifice quality and durability because of cost. Additionally, 100% natural latex is dust mite resistant and antimicrobial. This helps your mattress stand the test of time, while also offsetting those unpleasant thoughts of dust mites, dander, and excess sweat absorption. Structurally, 100% natural latex proves to be more resilient than traditional mattress materials, while still offering the comfort options you deserve. It can offer you up to 25 years of the best quality and healthiest, comfortable sleep.

Commitment Time

When you buy a mattress that you’ll sleep on for many years, you are making a commitment. Even though many people want to find and fall in love with the right mattress, the idea of keeping it for years and years can also cause some unneeded stress if it’s the wrong fit! Once you’ve researched the durability, materials and manufacturing of the mattress, it is highly recommended you check the return policy and the warranty. Researching all of these details will help you to make the right choice for your needs.

Elizabeth Magill

Elizabeth Magill is a professional freelance writer and editor who holds an MBA. Liz specializes in writing about health news, medical conditions, healthy living, small business, career and work, personal finance, and green-living, including news and trending topics in these specialties. Her clients include Healthline, The Motley Fool, GoBanking Rates,, Big Interview, HealthNews, Intuit Small Business Blog, Intuit Health, American News Report,, IFX Medical, and many others. She’s also a published eBook author and ghost writer for various clients in the health, medical, career, small business, and personal finance niches.