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Buy Your Mattress Directly from the Manufacturer and Save

When you walk into a mattress store to purchase a mattress, you may not realize everything you’re paying for within your transaction. It is definitely not just the mattress. In fact, you’re paying for a lot of overhead that you would not pay if you skipped all the middlemen in the process, and made your purchase directly from the manufacturer. These are a few of the reasons it costs you considerably less to buy your mattress directly from the manufacturer.

No Store Overhead

Mattress stores involve a lot of store overhead. From signs and displays to the store itself, you’re paying for a lot more than just a mattress when you shop retail stores. Think about all the things retail locations pay for that manufacturers do not:

  • Lights
  • Sales staff (and commissions)
  • Stylish displays
  • Storage for extra mattresses (since you’re only seeing the floor models when you enter the store)
  • First from the manufacturer to the retailer. Then from the retailer to you. In other words, you’re getting hit twice for shipping costs without even realizing it.

All these things add to the price of your mattress. Then there are other things like delivery staff, old mattress disposal (while many offer this as a “free” service, you can bet it is wrapped into the price), setup fees, etc. Practically anything that is offered for “free” by a retail store has already been accounted for in the price of the mattress.

No Additional Advertising Costs

When you buy a mattress from the manufacturer, you’re usually not paying for the high-dollar spokesperson to extol the virtues of the mattress on national commercial campaigns. Instead, you’re paying for the mattress, and nothing else, unless you’re paying for shipping. While some mattress manufacturers charge for shipping, many do not. But when you buy directly from the manufacturer, you’re usually not paying the high costs of glossy ad campaigns, so your money goes to the mattress instead.

Shipping Benefits Both Ways

Many retailers build in shipping and delivery costs with the cost of the mattress. With Latex for Less mattresses, you even get free shipping for your mattress, which is shipped in a small, compact box you can bring into your home before opening, something you’re unlikely to get when shopping retail for your mattress, and something that cuts out additional fees and hidden costs to you.

In fact, Latex for Less offers all users a 120 night risk-free in-home mattress trial to get to know their mattresses, and how they like them. If the mattress doesn’t work out for your sleep needs, you get a full refund.

Save More than Money

While not all mattresses shipped from the manufacturer are the same, many of them are high-quality mattresses that are made to order. That means you don’t have to worry about your mattress getting old and outdated while sitting in a warehouse unused.

Instead, your mattress is made when ordered, and shipped directly to you. This means you’ll have to wait a little longer than when buying from most retailers who have warehouses filled with mattresses. But you can rest assured that your mattress will ship directly to you once it is made, so that you can enjoy a great night’s sleep without paying extra for the pleasure.

Finally, there is the benefit of a no-pressure sales force. When you buy your mattress from the manufacturer, you may receive an occasional email announcing new products, special pricing, etc., but you’re not likely to get high pressure sales tactics like you would from a retail location.

The Latex for Less Online Purchase Difference

At Latex for Less, we believe our mattresses are amazing, and we want you to experience them for yourself without high pressure sales efforts, and even higher price tags. See for yourself what a difference our mattresses and our prices make for your great night’s sleep.

Have questions about buying your mattress online through Latex for Less? We have a convenient chat option available 7 days a week, or simply call us toll free at 1-888-770-4409.

Elizabeth Magill

Elizabeth Magill is a professional freelance writer and editor who holds an MBA. Liz specializes in writing about health news, medical conditions, healthy living, small business, career and work, personal finance, and green-living, including news and trending topics in these specialties. Her clients include Healthline, The Motley Fool, GoBanking Rates,, Big Interview, HealthNews, Intuit Small Business Blog, Intuit Health, American News Report,, IFX Medical, and many others. She’s also a published eBook author and ghost writer for various clients in the health, medical, career, small business, and personal finance niches.